20220712_142631 Bridge over the Elbe near Tangermünde
Blog #0055 July 12, 2022 - "Rage against the Machine" and the Cyclist on it
Day 73 of my cycling journey – July 12, 2022 Cycling from Stechow to Uchtspringe brought me 88 km westwards on a day which was characterized by a particularly harsh west wind. The sun was intense and...
20220711_100449 Brandenburg gate
Blog #0054 July 11, 2022 - Through the Prussian Heartland
Day 72 of my cycling journey – July 11, 2022 A long day of cycling against the wind saw me pedalling right through the heart of the German capitol, Berlin. Passing all the main sights of the amazing...
20220630_130445 Lake in the nature reserve Dahme-Heideseen
Blog #0053 June 30 - July 10, 2022 - The Dash to Berlin
Days 61 – 71 of my cycling journey – June 30 – July 10, 2022 Time for my first vacation from cycling. After two months of cycling, I needed some time off. What better way than to meet some members of...
20220629_100724 Castle of Berbisdorf
Blog #0052 June 29, 2022 - Deep into Saxony
Day 60 of my cycling journey – June 29, 2022 The weather forecast had been very bleak. Predicted were thunderstorms and continuing rain for the entire day. Having decided to make a dash for Berlin, I...